A UNI standard for measuring the circularity of organisations

A UNI standard for measuring the circularity of organisations

On 30 November, the new UNI/TS 11820:2022 standard was published, which regulates methods and indicators for measuring circular processes in Organisations, intended as enterprises, public administrations, cooperatives and others.
It is a technical specification that defines a set of indicators (71) that can be applied at meso and micro level, which, through a rating system, make it possible to assess the level of circularity of an organisation or group of organisations. The rating system does not stipulate minimum levels of circularity, but provides an assessment of the level achieved.
To ensure flexibility and cross-sector applicability, the indicators are grouped by type of activity: production organisation, service organisation or both. The mix of indicators, a well-defined number of which are mandatory, is quantitative and qualitative. The aim of the standard is to measure the circularity performance of organisations.
Matrec has been working for 4 years to measure the circularity of products, referring to the indications of the main national and international norms and standards. The result of measuring product circularity, in line with the new standard, contributes to and supports companies in finding the information and requirements needed to perform the UNI/TS 11820:2022 specification.

Source and image: matrec, uni.com