Disposable plastic waste transformed into jewellery

A sustainable jewellery and accessories brand, has created a necklace, earring and bracelet collection from recycled polyethyleneThe company’s mission is to contribute to the reduction, reuse and recycling of plastic waste.
The circular material used, comes from the collection of disposable post-consumer recycled plastic bags. The trasformation process requires cleaning and drying the bags to remove all impurities.
They are then cut in small pieces to improve the colors combination and enhance the nuances, and then start the process of melting where the high temperature transforms the plastic back into a liquid form.
Once the tranformation process is completed, thick sheets of second raw material are produced and the various creations are shaped using a CNC machine. Each recycled plastic sheet will be a unique piece, impossible to reproduce. All the jewels are then polished by hand.

Source and image: yagoeco.com30
