Knowledge of circular materials

Knowledge of circular materials

The process of research, selection and final choice of a material represents a fundamental phase in the design and realisation of a product, regardless of the sector it belongs to.
Knowledge of materials not only concerns technical aspects, but also increasingly involves their environmental characteristics.
In fact, it is a question of identifying and qualifying the resources used by considering the entire life cycle of the product.
With regard to input resources, those resources that will be used to make the product, it is important to classify them in terms of composition and origin. It would be appropriate to distinguish between virgin, recycled (pre- or post-consumption) or by-products, from renewable sources and whether bio-based. On the other hand, it is also necessary to closely consider how the type of material is configured in an end-of-life scenario for the product, thus assessing whether it is recyclable, biodegradable and/or compostable.
The presence of possible certifications attesting to the veracity of the characteristics, further corroborates their origin and the expendability of this information on the market.
The recyclability of a material is conditioned by the way it is used in a product and by the available treatment technologies. The use of a circular material does not necessarily determine the recyclability of the product.
Therefore, a full knowledge of the environmental characteristics of the resources used is essential, as they are an excellent starting point for positive circularity results.

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