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Hemp can be defined as a circular material because it is characterised by multiple factors that contribute to the environmental sustainability of the product in which it is used.
Compared to other bio-based resources, hemp has the advantage that it can be cultivated without the use of herbicides, pesticides or fungicides, needs a reduced amount of water and grows very quickly. It is a plant that can reclaim the soil it grows in and has a remarkable property: the hemp plant absorbs more CO2 than a tree, thus contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases.
The report highlights the versatility of this circular material, which is often used in combination with other bio-based materials. Thanks to its peculiarities, it is used in various product sectors such as textiles, in the field of bioplastics, in paper goods or as a building material in the green building sector.
Hemp is characterised by its excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties, resistance, mould-proofing, hygrometric air regulator that maintains a constant humidity level in rooms, and its fire retardant capacity.

The trends reported in this publication are a short selection of those in MATREC’s International Observatory.

Publication reserved for Business and Executive subscribers.