Marco Capellini (CEO of Matrec), in an interview for the newspaper La Repubblica, presents the environmental sustainability scenarios of the coming years.
The circular economy will bring a change in the market strategies of companies and there will be the birth of new consumption models.
“The combination of design and sustainability has characterised the development of increasingly environmentally friendly products in recent years. This trend is due to several factors such as: a market demand for environmentally sustainable products, increased consumer responsibility, an evolution of the international regulatory framework with the introduction of standards for the production of responsible goods.
We are in the era of the circular economy where the efficient use of resources has become a must.
Fashion, furniture, vehicles, packaging and food are just some of the sectors where it is no longer possible to develop new products without including sustainability aspects, through the use of new sustainable and circular materials”
La Repubblica – A&F. L’anno verde che verrà. Interview with Marco Capellini CEO of Matrec

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