Receipt of the environmental and social impact of garments

A Swedish fashion company has started a path of sustainability and a process of awareness with the intent to trace 100% of the production chain of its garments, with the ultimate goal of ensuring transparency to customers by issuing a receipt of the environmental impact of its fashion products.
In collaboration with the Research Institute Sweden through a research project, it intends to track CO2 emissions , water and energy and report every aspect that involves the raw materials used and the production process, starting from the assumption that each garment has its own quality, its own cost and its specific social and environmental impact.
To monitor progress, a traceability indicator has been designed, which consists of assigning a score to each garment during the different stages of the production process, which are then added and weighted to obtain a single final result.
The methodology for the analysis of the individual phases is very thorough as the raw material selection phase evaluates the way cotton is grown, the use of soil, water and pesticides or the way sheep are reared for wool, animal welfare and the ethical practices adopted.
In the fabric production phase which includes combing, spinning, dyeing, weaving, finishing, energy and water data are collected with the aim of selecting materials produced with clean energy, water reintroduced into the system during processes and safe chemicals.
For the production phase of the garment are considered the steps from the fabric to the final garment: cutting, sewing, washing, ironing and packaging.
The last phase refers to detail components such as sewing thread, labels, tags, buttons and zippers.
Moreover, the company is trying to break some conventional patterns related to the fashion world by developing a single permanent collection valid for all seasons, with the aim of slowing down the cycles introduced by fast fashion and adopting an efficient use of resources.

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